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Foto do escritorJoyce

I am afraid to grow up

Atualizado: 11 de jul. de 2019

When you are a child you always think about things that are not even true,

When you are a teenager you start thinking about something that is not even happening yet

When you are an adult you stop seeing simple things in your life

When you are old you forget them, you transform your experiences into memories

When you die...

Well I don't know maybe you will continue living but in another way or disappear forever, who knows?

When I was 14 I wanted to be an adult, because they can go everywhere, anywhere without permission and buy everything they want, but being an adult is more than that. You will have to work hard to bring money to your home, to pay a lot of bills and have lots and lots of responsibilities, being adult it's not just taking care of yourself, it's taking care of others as well, but sometimes adults forget that and I understand, it's just too much pressure.

My mom used to tell me all the time "One day you will understand", and she was completely right, when you start growing up and being more mature you start to see things the way your parents see and it's quite scary.

I'm afraid to be an ignorant like some adults, I'm afraid to lose my innocence in little things, change the way I see things, stop appreciating simple things and stop seeing the good in people, which is very difficult nowadays because lots of people try to be someone they aren't and at the end of the day they are selfish and it's just childish.

I am afraid to be like them, to work work work and die. I'm afraid to see things in another perspective and the adult society to judge me for being to inconsequential and the child society get advantage for that.

Sometimes you just need to go, and right now I'm growing, I'm going to be an official adult soon enough to say goodbye to a part of me that believes that even children have a voice like adults, even poor, rich, different ethnicities have their voice and they also have to have a chance for their voices and ideas to be heard.

It's not something I would say it's right or wrong its just my opinion I can bring another topic like this in another post if you like, just say what do you think on the comments below and tell me your ideas as well about this subject. Thank you for reading kisses!!

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